Effective Mosquito Control Services

Tired of battling mosquitoes in your backyard? Mosquito Joe is proud to offer affordable, effective mosquito control solutions for both residential and commercial clients so you can enjoy being outside again.

barrier sprayMosquito Barrier Sprays

Our most popular treatment, this service protects your yard against mosquitoes for up to 21 days at a time. Our trained technicians target shrubs and plants around your yard, creating a barrier that both kills existing mosquitoes and deters new ones from entering. After 30-45 minutes, your yard will be ready for you to enjoy it!

Natural Treatment Natural Treatment

Put the natural back into nature with Mosquito Joe of Wichita and our natural mosquito, tick, and flea solutions using essential oils like lemongrass and peppermint.

white vector image of a home on a green backgroundPerimeter Pest

Do you fear ants, cockroaches, and spiders? Mosquito Joe of Wichita offers services to help prevent and remove these nasty critters. Perimeter pests enter buildings throughout the year to find a sheltered place to survive the weather. We treat various locations and potential entry points to stop these invaders with our effective solution.

specialized mosquito trap iconSpecialized Mosquito Traps

Whether you already enjoy our standard barrier treatment or natural treatment option, your property may benefit from In2Care® mosquito traps. These traps work in conjunction with our ongoing Mosquito Joe barrier treatments to trap mosquitoes in areas we don’t spray such as koi ponds, vegetable gardens, and flowery shrubs. After interacting with the traps, mosquitoes will carry the product to their breeding sites, leaving your residential or commercial outdoor spaces swat-free!

Special Events Special Events

Don’t let mosquitoes, ticks, or fleas ruin the day of your special outside event! Mosquito Joe of Wichita is here to help whether you’re having an outdoor wedding, a backyard BBQ, or gathering to celebrate a birthday party outdoors.

white vector imag of a rodent on a green backgroundRodent Control

Rats and mice are drawn to food, water, and shelter. Let the professionals at Mosquito Joe of Wichita provide rodent control services that use natural ingredients to keep rodents out of your home!

flea controlFlea Control

Don't let fleas stop you and your furry friends from enjoying your outdoor spaces. Mosquito Joe of Wichita offers flea control services, allowing itch-free fun all season long.

Tick Control Tick Control

Our technicians create a repelling barrier against these intruders, helping to protect your family and pets in Sedgwick County from the serious implications’ ticks can cause.

Commercial Services Commercial Services

For commercial properties with outdoor spaces in Derby and surrounding areas, eliminating outdoor pests can boost business, ensuring customers’ comfort and protection.

thermacell logoSmart Mosquito Repellent System

We now offer the new Thermacell LIV system for additional outdoor pest-repelling power in your outside spaces. The LIV system not only repels mosquitoes but other small flying insects as well. It creates a protective bubble around a designated area using repellers connected to a smart hub which can be directly controlled via phone app! The system is installed and maintained by your locally owned Mosquito Joe of Wichita. The LIV system is ideal for outdoor areas with a pool, hot tub, fire pit, or where friends and family like to gather for grilling and dining.

No contracts are required and your satisfaction is guaranteed. Give us a call at 316-867-3410 for more information or to request a free quote.

Give us a call!